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Forecast: Elevated Risk of Severe Weather Wednesday

Brought to you by Bill Oosterink, Realtor

A cold front will approach the region from the west this afternoon. A line of severe storms may develop as it crosses the mountains, posing a severe risk to our region between 12-5pm. Gusty winds up to 60mph, small hail, and a spin-up tornado are all possible. A “Level 2” Elevated Risk of severe weather has been hoisted across the Mid-Atlantic.

I do not expect this to be a widespread severe weather event that leaves lasting impacts. However, do be prepared for the threat of a couple of strong storms this afternoon. Below is our Futureview model, showing you potential timing impacts!

Stay safe today and take the threat of severe weather seriously! You can stay with JB Weather for the latest information on Southern Maryland weather. You can always access my forecasts and updates here on the website, on Facebook, on Twitter, on Instagram, and on YouTube.

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