Wednesday’s Forecast: Temps Turning Hotter

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Today will be the first day in almost a week where the rain and storm chances will be below 10%. However, this means that temperatures will be noticeably higher. Mainly sunny skies will allow many of us to warm up into the lower to middle 90s.

We are off to a humid start already, and that humidity will stick with us throughout the day. The mainly sunny skies and light southerly winds will help send temperatures soaring into the upper 80s by lunchtime and into the 90s this afternoon. Heat indices, or what it will feel like, will be up close to 100°! Tonight will not feature a huge cooldown, either, keeping things quite toasty.

You want to make sure that you are taking this upcoming heat wave seriously. Temperatures are likely to be in the middle to upper 90s throughout the week, with the humidity remaining oppressive. You want to ensure that you are drinking plenty of water, trying to stay cool, and be mindful of your activity outside as well as the activity of vulnerable groups and your pets.

The forecast ahead looks quite warm. So far this year, we have only seen 13 days at or above 90°, which is below average. We will look to nearly double that number over the course of this extended hot stretch. Things turn quite hot tomorrow with the chance of afternoon and evening storms. The most extreme heat, with temperatures potentially near 100°, will look to settle in this weekend.

Stay with JB Weather for the latest information on Southern Maryland weather. You can always access my forecasts and updates here on the website, on Facebook, on Twitter, on Instagram, and on YouTube.


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About John Bordash 544 Articles
JB Weather forecaster John Bordash is working around the clock to provide Southern Maryland, and neighboring communities, with accurate and reliable weather information.